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Glasgow Mural

Glasgow Scotland

New adventure added – Glasgow Interesting place and the end of the Scotland “Trilogy” of Talk Talk With Carl and Kacey – Scotland.” In all we visited Edinbourgh, The Highlands, and finally Glasgow. Check out all three adventures !

Viegland Sculpture

Improved Pictures

New method for adding images to the website has made high quality pictures possible without a huge impact on the site speed. Click on any image to see more detail, and if you have a big monitor or pad, you can click the magnify icon to see the higher quality picture check it out on “Talk Talk With Carl and Kacey – Oslo Norway“

Paris skyline


I went thru this older adventure and put in links to attractions and added links to the pictures. Check out “Talk Talk With Carl and Kacey – Paris” and find out what we love about the city of lights.

northern france

Northwest France – New

I added some interesting links and some of the photographs are amazing when you open them. So check out “Talk Talk With Carl and Kacey – Northwest France. !! Also check out some of the other adventures – all with new links and great pictures

manhattan at night

New York City

I added what i think are useful and fun links, and made the photos viewable. If you have not listened to our “Talk Talk With Carl and Kacey – New York” now is a great time to do that ! And all of our other adventures …