Talk Talk With Carl and Kacey Introduction
We will bring you travel, recipe, and other lifestyle things So let’s get right into it

Carl is an avid photographer who has been working in photography and graphic art for over fifty years.
With a belief that even though there are rules and techniques involved with photography, they need to remain separated from the artistic expression of the artform. In other words, the work must be technically excellent and at the same time, the artistic vision should have no such restriction. .
He has an associate degree from Meramec in Graphic Art, and several hours of study in photography and Art as a part of an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology from Webster University.
Carl’s work has been shown at Art St. Louis, MySTLART, The Saint Louis Artist Guild and most recently Framations in St Charles.
Carl is a member of PPA Professional Photographers of America and NPS Nikon Professional USA PRO

Nine years old, 4H, Mom was our Sewing Leader, “Thanks Mom!” We learned to make garments, from simple to complex.
A BFA at Maryville University, majoring in Interior Design, included multiple mediums. When students could choose how to build a project, Kacey always chose fiber.
Her work often consists of art quilts, and gravitates toward bright colors. Contrast in colors and composition create meaningful artwork.
Surface Pattern Design is her current endeavor. Having developed twenty-eight XKids, she has designed them frolicking across fabric patterns, cut & sew designs and art prints. Additional collections are in the works – inspired by Sicily and Smocking – yep smocking.
Email: Website: Instagram: KaceyCowdery
Facebook: Kacey Cowdery Linkin: Kacey Cowdery Twitter: Kacey Cowdery; kacey cowdery
…our production room, and us…

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i know right